One year…. Dear Dad,

Dad –
It’s been one year since you passed away. When I got the call from Mike that morning, I didn’t know how I would be able to make it through. And here I am a year later wishing I could turn back time a decade or so.

There are days when the year feels like it has gone by quickly and as many days that feel like they move slowly. Significant days seem to take longer to get through, like Father’s Day, your wedding anniversary, my birthday, Christmas…. And yet here I am, writing to you a full year after all of the firsts.

I ran today for the first time since my surgery on April 18th. Yes, I shed some tears as I ran by the exact spot when I received the call from Mike on my Thursday morning run. Oh how I wish I could talk to you about my eye surgery and about how well the Mariners are doing this season. To hear you say the phrase “of course” as you share about your day…

I know that I didn’t leave anything unsaid to you while you were here on earth. But I sure wish I could continue to share life with you. I know you are watching over us, and especially over Mom, who misses you terribly. We all miss you terribly. Mom has had a tough week this week, yet those around her are making her feel loved.

I love you.
